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    美国科罗拉多州立大学土壤与作物科学系的Allan Andales博士将在本周四(9月25)日下午4:00-6:00在我院二楼学术会议室做系列学术报告之二,题目为: “Field and Modeling Studies of Dryland Cropping Systems”,请相关师生按时参加。

    Climate, soil, and cropping system variables have complex interactions that can affect dryland crop production.  A long-term Dryland Agroecosystems Project (DAP) in eastern Colorado that looks at these interactions will be described.  Field measurements and model simulations using the USDA-ARS GPFARM model show that increasing cropping intensity under no-till management can improve soil condition and increase water use efficiency.  Effects of landscape on yield and soil water content will also be shown.


