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关于与丹麦奥胡斯大学Mathias Neumann Andersen教授开展学术交流的通知

    丹麦奥胡斯大学农业生态学系的Mathias Neumann Andersen教授应我校中国旱区节水农业研究院和我院邀请,在“111”项目的资助下,于9月27日―30日在我校进行学术交流。交流访问期间,将进行以下学术报告与讲座:

报告题目:More Crop per Drop - Challenges to Crop Science and Water Management
讲座题目:Concepts in Field Crop Ecohydrology and Irrigation Scheduling

Mathias Neumann Andersen教授简介:
    Mathias Neumann Andersen,丹麦奥胡斯大学农业生态学系教授。自2009年以来,担任北京中丹教育与研究中心水与环境硕士教育(the MSc education in Water and Environment, Sino-Danish University Center in Beijing, China)项目管理组成员。长期从事农业生态系统的水分循环与平衡、农业水文过程与植物生理过程之间的相互作用、以及缺水条件下的农作物生产等研究。承担FFU项目Green Cohesive Agricultural Resource Management (WEBSOC)、Sustainable food production through irrigated intensive farming systems in West Africa及BSU 一期项目An interdisciplinary research cooperation to develop a prototype solar powered drip irrigation and fertigation system adapted to soils and climate conditions in Ghana等多项国际合作项目,还承担丹麦农业知识中心资助的“Developing a net-economic model for irrigation of Maize”、丹麦食品、农业与渔业部资助的 “Increasing Water-Use-Efficiency in Potato by Precision-Breeding and GM-Approaches”等项目。担任the Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 杂志的编委,担任Plant Molecular Biology, Plant Physiology, Annals of Botany, Climate Research, Flora, Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, European Journal of Agronomy, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science的审稿人。担任the US National Science Foundation, United States Department of Agriculture, Norwegian Research Council and International Foundation of Science的项目评审人。在Journal of Cell Science, Plant Physiology and the Plant Journal等国际知名刊物上发表学术论文80余篇(截止2014年6月1日论文被ISI索引达1400余次)。