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报告题目:What a difference 1 inch (2.54 cm) makes: Measurement and Monitoring of Critical Properties and Processes at the Soil Surface.
报 告 人:Scott B. Jones教授(美国犹他州立大学)
报告人简介:Scott B. Jones,旱区现代节水农业技术创新引智基地―“111项目”海外学术骨干,美国犹他州立大学(Utah State University)植物、土壤和气候学院博士、教授,土壤物理学家。主要研究土壤物理、混合介电理论、EMI电磁感应、热脉冲技术应用、电磁遥感、土壤传感器(TDR)、土壤CO2的排放等研究工作。曾任SSSAJ土壤方法手册编委、2011美国土壤学会分委会主席,Soil Science Society of America和Vadose Zone Journal等期刊审稿人。
The top inch of the earth’s soil surface is a very dynamic and important layer where physical and biogeochemical processes take place under extreme diurnal and seasonal variations in moisture and temperature. Some of these critical surfaces include biocrusts, desert pavements, agricultural lands, mine tailings, hydrophobic forest soils, all of which can significantly impact environmental conditions at large-scales. Natural hazards associated with surface conditions include dust storms posing health hazards, post-fire erosion and flooding in addition to crop failure. Less obvious, though continually occurring microbially-induced gas emissions are also significantly impacted by surface conditions. With so much at stake, it is surprising in today’s technological world that there are few if any sensors designed for monitoring the top inch of the surface. In particular, our future expectation for remote sensing imagery to provide near-real time conditions of the earth’s surface necessitates ground calibration of the top inch, something that is presently lacking. Examples of the dynamics of surface conditions will be presented along with their impact on processes of interest and the need for near-surface measurements. Novel measurement solutions and their prospects to improve scientific methods will also be presented. 
