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  报告人: Yongping Wei博士,昆士兰大学副教授,Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellow

  报告时间:2016517日星期二 上午 9:00-11:00



  Dr Yongping Wei, Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellow (2015-2018) Associate Professor in Environmental Management, the School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Queensland.  

  She obtained her PhD in Natural Resources Management, The University of Melbourne in 2007. Dr Wei’s major research interest is agricultural irrigation, environment and natural resources management. Her research has been recognized by the Australian Research Council with the awards of a Post-Doctoral Fellowship (2010-2013) and a Future Fellowship (2015-2018), and two additional ARC research projects as first CI; by the Natural Science Foundation of China with a first CI Key Project, and by the Natural Environment Research Council of the UK with a primary CI project. She has published 68 journal papers and 4 book chapters.  Her Impact Point is 164.97 in ResearchGate. Major journals include: Global Environmental Change (Impact Factor 6.000); Hydrology and Earth Science Sciences (3.642) Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (3.203); Journal of Hydrometeorology (3.573), Science of the Total Environment (3.163), Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (3.894), Journal of Hydrology (2.693), Water Resources Management (2.463), AMBIO (2.973), and Current Opinions in Environmental Sustainability (2.758).

  Dr Wei has made substantial contributions in the development of the Australia China Joint Research Centre on River Basin Management, which is one of only six nationally-recognized joint research centres funded by the Australian and Chinese governments. Dr Wei initiated, developed and coordinated the subject (ENEN9037) “International River Basin Management”, the first Tsinghua-Melbourne electronic-campus subject.  Dr Wei is the Executive member of the School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management (GPEM), and Chair of Engagement & International Collaboration in GPEM. She was selected to attend the University of Melbourne’s Academic Women Leadership Program in 2015.